Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Mark 06:08-11 The Essene Connection?

The description of the actions of the apostles in Mark 06:08-11 parallels the description of the Essenes below:

And they [Esseni] traverse their native land, and on each occasion that they go on a journey they carry nothing except arms. And they have also in their cities a president, who expends the moneys collected for this purpose in procuring clothing and food for them. And their robe and its shape are modest. And they do not own two cloaks, or a double set of shoes; and when those that are in present use become antiquated, then they adopt others. And they neither buy nor sell anything at all; but whatever any one has he gives to him that has not, and that which one has not he receives. (Hippolytus - Refutation of all Heresies Book IX.15)

A complete set of cross references for The Early Church Fathers and the New Testament is in The Comprehensive New Testament:

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