Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Do You Ever Have Trouble Sleeping at Night?

Years ago, I memorized the 23rd Psalm. Whenever I have trouble sleeping at night, I remember the words to the Psalm. Often I drift back to sleep before I finish the Psalm. It is the most peaceful piece of literature I have ever read. It was written almost three thousand years ago by a shepherd who became a king. Many people have heard about King David. However, most people don't realize that King David is one of the most famous poets of all time. His poetic works are among the largest surviving collections of poems by a single author from the primeval age.  Presently, the 23rd Psalm written by King David is one of the top thirty poems requested in libraries in the United States and it is easily the oldest poem in that group.

Hoping all of your dreams are peaceful, J. Clontz - Editor of The Comprehensive New Testament

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