Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Meaning of Christmas

Where you spend eternity will be decided by a person who was born in a homeless shelter to an unmarried teenager. As an infant, he became an immigrant to avoid political persecution. He became the greatest healer in the history of the world. He was investigated for giving health care away for free. He was put on trial by politicians making false allegations based on the testimony of false witnesses. The judge at his trial knew that he was innocent of the charges against him. However, a quick and politically biased opinion poll indicated the majority of the people in the Capitol wanted him executed. So, he was conveniently executed despite his innocence by a judge who colluded with the politicians to ignore the facts. After he died, a fake news story was created by the politicians and released through the news outlets under their control that said his body had been stolen by his own followers.

Of course, that was 2,000 years ago when things were much more primitive. When he returns, imagine how pleased he’ll be to see all the progress we’ve made to eliminate the problems that existed when he was born.

Merry Christmas
Dr. J. Clontz, Aidan University
Editor of The Comprehensive New Testament

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