Sunday, July 10, 2022

Are you Reading the Bible Correctly?

When you read Exodus 1:1-2:10 if the only thing you see is the story of Moses then you aren’t reading the Bible correctly. Since Jesus fulfilled the prophecy concerning the prophet like unto Moses that was supposed to come to the Israelites according to Deuteronomy 18 and Acts 3 then you should also see the following:

The Israelites would be oppressed for a long period of time by a foreign king, Herod, prior to the start of the ministry of Jesus.MO1 Herod would have building programs that included pouring concrete.MO2 Jesus would be born at a time when the Herodian dynasty began that was hostile to Israelites.MO3 Herod would engage in a program of building temples and fortresses designed to pacify the Israelites.MO4 Jesus would survive an infanticide program that targeted Hebrew male infants.MO5 His birth would be unassisted by midwives.MO6 He would be hidden to keep His birth a secret from Herod who had issued a decree to kill the male children born in the area.MO7 As an infant, Jesus would be protected by being taken from regions inhabited by Israelites to areas controlled by Egyptians.MO8 He would be accompanied on His journey into Egypt by a young virgin named “Mary.”MO9 His adoptive father, Joseph, would be descended from a dynastic line of royalty.MO10

MO1. Exodus 3:1-22 / Matthew 2:1
MO2. Exodus 5:1-23 Herod used hydraulic concrete to build the port at Caesarea - concrete doesn’t contain straw.
MO3. Exodus 1:8-14 / Matthew 2:1
MO4. Exodus 1:8-14 / John 2:20
MO5. Exodus 1:15-22 / Matthew 2:16-18
MO6. Exodus 1:19 / Luke 2:7
MO7. Exodus 2:1-10 / Matthew 2:13-18
MO8. Exodus 2:1-10 / Matthew 2:13-21
MO9. Exodus 2:1-10 / Matthew 2:14
MO10. Exodus 2:1-10 / Matthew 1:2-16

Hoping you always understand spiritual things when you read them!

Dr. J. Clontz

Biblical references are from “Typology – The New Testament According to the Old Testament Prophets.”

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