Monday, December 17, 2018

The Temple Symbolized the Nativity and Ministry of Jesus

1Kings 5:1-18 Peace came to Israel and Solomon raised a large levy of Israelites to build the temple. John 2:20 Herod the Great also built the temple with a large levy of Israelites after peace came.
1Kings 6:21 Solomon who was a wise man brought gold to the temple. Matthew 2:11 The wise men brought gifts including gold to the infant Jesus.
1Kings 7:8 After Solomon brought gold to the temple he made a dwelling for the Egyptian Pharaoh’s daughter. Matthew 2:12-15 After the wise men brought gold to the infant Jesus - Joseph, Mary and Jesus made their dwelling in Egypt.
1Kings 7:13-14 Solomon fetched Hiram from Tyre who was from the tribe of Naphtali in northern Israel. He was filled with understanding to accomplish the works in the temple. Matthew 4:12-8:1, 15:21 Jesus fetched men from the Naphtali region of northern Israel who he filled with understanding to accomplish the works in his ministry. The farthest northern reach of Jesus calling people to his ministry was Tyre. 
1Kings 7:17 The man that Solomon called to work on the temple worked with nets. Matthew 4:18-21 Jesus called men who worked with nets to his ministry. 
1Kings 7:23-25 In the temple, twelve oxen that faced outward in all directions were gathered under a molten sea. Matthew 4:12-23, 28:19 Jesus gathered twelve apostles from the sea of Galilee and eventually sent them outward in all directions.
Professor J. Clontz Aidan University - Author of Finding Jesus in the Old Testament: Proving that God Exists

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