Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Did you know that a Prophet wrote the Story of Christmas over a Thousand Years before Jesus was born?

Over a thousand years before Jesus was born, Moses wrote the following information in the Book of Genesis:

God would send an angel to his mother prior to the arrival of the “wise” men.JA1 She would be favored.JA2  She would be selected by God.JA3 She would consent to being selected by God.JA4 She would be a virgin who was betrothed to a man.JA5 She would go with haste and tell her relatives what had happened.JA6 She would be blessed by her relatives.JA7 Her life would potentially be threatened by her pregnancy.JA8 God would provide information about the future of her unborn child and the nature of her pregnancy.JA9 For  his mother there would be questions concerning enough room for lodging.JA10 She would stay in a shelter where animals also stayed.JA11 She would be visited by “wise” men who were led by a heavenly guide. The “wise” men would travel through Mesopotamia bringing gifts. During the time period when she was engaged, she would receive gifts including gold from “wise” men.JA12 The “wise” men would worship the Lord at the house where she was staying.JA13 The “wise” men who visited her would receive a warning concerning their return journey.JA14

Even before he was born, the struggle would begin between him and those who wanted to kill him.JA15 Joseph would be responsible for him going to Egypt from the land of Canaan.JA17 Joseph would carry him back from Egypt to the land of Canaan when there was no longer a threat to His life.JA135

Based on the Book “Typology, The New Testament According to the Old Testament Prophets”

JA1. Luke 1:26 / Genesis 24:7, 40

JA2. Genesis 24:16 / Luke 1:28

JA3. Luke 1:30 / Genesis 24:14, 44

JA4. Luke 1:38 / Genesis 24:57-58

JA5. Luke 1:27 / Genesis 24:16, 51

JA6. Luke 1:36, 39 / Genesis 24:28

JA7. Luke 1:42 / Genesis 24:60

JA8. Matthew 1:18-19 / Genesis 25:22

JA9. Matthew 1:20 / Genesis 25:23

JA10. Luke 2:7 / Genesis 24:23

JA11. Luke 02:07 / Genesis 24:25

JA12. Matthew 02:01, 11 / Genesis 24:10, 53

JA13. Matthew 02:11 / Genesis 24:26

JA14. Matthew 02:09-12, Luke 02:09 / Genesis 24:06-07

JA15. Matthew 02:16 / Genesis 25:26-27

JA17. Matthew 2:13-15 / Genesis 45:27

JA135. Matthew 2:20-21 / Genesis 50:5-13



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