Thursday, December 16, 2021

Have you Overlooked the Obvious?

According to Matthew 2:3, Herod and all of Jerusalem with him were troubled at the news brought by the wise men of the birth of the King of the Jews. Yet none of them went with the wise men to look for the new king.

According to Matthew 2:4-7, the chief priests and scribes knew the prophecy about the birth of the ruler who was to shepherd the people of Israel. They knew that the ruler was to be born in Bethlehem. Yet none of them went to look for the new ruler in Bethlehem.

According to Matthew 2:9, a star was visible in the sky that moved towards Bethlehem. Yet no one from Jerusalem followed the star to find out where it was leading.

Not a single person from Jerusalem followed the wise men, the prophecy, or the star to see the new-born King of Jews.

2000 years later, more people claim Jesus as their King than any monarch who has ever lived. His sayings have been translated into more languages and affected more people than any other person in history. His followers have built more hospitals, distributed more food to the hungry and clothing to the poor than any other group on the planet.

Hopefully you won’t be like the people of Jerusalem who overlooked the obvious – Jesus is the King, the Messiah, the Shepherd, the Ruler, and the Savior who was promised by God!

Merry Christmas,

Dr. J. Clontz – Editor of the Comprehensive New Testament

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