Monday, September 20, 2021

Jesus is the Greatest Conqueror who ever Lived!

History is full of accounts of “great” conquerors. People like Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and Genghis Khan conquered vast areas and large numbers of people. There are numerous lists of the wars and battles that they fought. Millions of people died and suffered during their conquests.

Conversely, Jesus conquered death. He healed large numbers of people and raised some of them from the dead. Jesus’ conquests improved people’s lives. Below is a list of the battles that Jesus fought and won according to the Gospel accounts. We need more victories like those that Jesus won!

Hoping you are victorious over death through Jesus Christ, the Conqueror of Death!

Healed the Official’s Son in Galilee -
John 4:46-54

Cast out a Demon in Capernaum - Mark 1:21-28

Cured Peter’s Mother-in-Law of a Fever - Matthew 8:14-17

Cured the Demoniacs in the Land of the Gadarenes - Matthew 8:28-34

Healed a Paralytic in Capernaum - Matthew 9:1-8

Raised Jairus’ Daughter from the Dead - Matthew 9:18-26

Healed a Woman with an Issue of Blood - Matthew 9:18-26

Healed Two Blind Men - Matthew 9:27-34

Cast a Demon out of a Man who was Mute - Matthew 9:27-34

Healed Sick People in Nazareth - Mark 6:1-6

Healed a Leper near Capernaum - Matthew 8:1-4

Healed the Centurion’s Servant in Capernaum - Matthew 8:5-13

Raised the Widow’s Son from the Dead at Nain - Luke 7:11-17

Healed Several Women of Evil Spirits and Infirmities – Luke 8:2

Healed a Man with a Paralyzed Hand - Matthew 12:9-13

Healed a Demon-Possessed Man who was Blind and Mute - Matthew 12:22-45

Healed a Woman who had an Infirmity for Eighteen Years - Luke 13:10-17

Healed a Man in Jerusalem who couldn’t Walk for Thirty-Eight Years - John 5:1-47

Healed the Sick among a large Crowd - Matthew 14:14

Healed all the Sick in the Region around Gennesaret - Matthew 14:34-36

Healed the Canaanite’s Daughter - Matthew 15:21-28

Healed the Lame, the Blind, the Maimed, the Mute, and many others near the Sea of Galilee - Matthew 15:29-31

Healed a Man in the Region of the Decapolis who was Deaf and had an Impediment in his Speech - Mark 7:31-37

Healed a Blind Man in Bethsaida - Mark 8:22-26

Healed a Man Born Blind – John 9:1-41

Healed the Sick among a Large Crowd - Matthew 19:2

Healed a Man of Dropsy - Luke 14:1-6

Healed Ten Lepers between Samaria and Galilee - Luke 17:11-19

Healed Bartimaeus, a Blind Beggar, the son of Timaeus at Jericho - Mark 10:46

Healed Two Blind Men as He left Jericho - Matthew 20:29-34

Raised Lazarus from the Dead - John 11:1-57

Raised Many of the Saints who had Fallen Asleep from the Tombs - Matthew 27:52-53

He Rose from the Dead - Matthew 28:5-7

Based on the book “The Gospels in Perfect Harmony”



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