Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Matthew 03:09 What did John the Baptist Really say about the Resurrection?

In Matthew 3:9, John the Baptist creates two wordplays concerning the Resurrection. In the first wordplay, John the Baptist turns the Hebrew word for stones “eben” into the Hebrew word for sons “ben” by removing the first letter in the Hebrew word for stones. In the second wordplay, John the Baptist draws a poetic connection between the Hebrew word for God “Elekiym” and the Hebrew word for raise up “Lhekiym” by changing one letter in the word for God and revealing the word “raise up” or resurrect.

Matthew 3:9 And do not think to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I tell you that God {“God” (אלקים) Elekiym} is able from these stones {“Stones” (אבן) Eben} to raise {“Raise Up” (להקים) Lhekiym} children {“Sons” (בן) Ben} for Abraham.

Note: Most scholars believe that Jesus spoke a Semitic language either Aramaic or Hebrew or both.

Based on the book, “The Passion: The Poetry of God”

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