Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Foreshadowing of Jesus and the Roman Conquest of AD 73 – The Stoning of Stephen

The foreshadowing of Jesus and the Roman conquest of AD 73 occurs in Numbers chapters 13 and 14. In today’s parallel – after the Word of God was brought to all of the congregation, the congregation said to stone them.

Numbers 14:10 But all the congregation said to stone them with stones.

Acts 7:57 But they cried out with a loud voice, and covered their ears and rushed together upon him. 58 Then they cast him out of the city and began to stone him. 8:1 that day a great persecution arose against the church in Jerusalem, and they were all scattered throughout the region of Judea and Samaria.

J. Clontz – Editor of the Comprehensive New Testament

Both Moses and Jesus send twelve men to spy out the inhabitants of the land of Canaan - Numbers 13:17/ Matthew 10:5,11
Both Jesus [The True Vine] and the grape vine in Numbers 13 were hanged on a wooden pole between two robbers - Numbers 13:23/John 15:1, Matthew 27:38
Both Jesus [The True Vine] and the grape vine in Numbers 13 were cut and then bodily carried away by two men - Numbers 13:23/John 15:1,19:34,19:38-40
Both Jesus [The True Vine] and the grape vine in Numbers 13 traveled throughout Israel in the company of twelve men for forty days - Numbers 13:23/ John 15:1,Acts 1:3

After 40 days, twelve men brought the Word of God to all of the congregation and showed them the wondrous “fruits” from the promised land Numbers 13:26/ Acts 2:43

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