Friday, January 16, 2015

What did Jesus Really Say in Matthew 5:5-9? Are you happy? You should be - since you shall inherit the earth, you shall see God, and you shall be called!

In Matthew 5:5,8,9, Jesus creates puns between the Hebrew words for “Blessed or Happy,” “Shall inherit,” “Shall see,” and “Shall be called.” Each of the Hebrew words “Shall inherit,” “Shall see,” and “Shall be called” is spelled with three of the letters from the other words. The Hebrew word “Shall see” is changed into “Shall be called” by inserting a single letter. The Beatitudes contain several puns based on the Hebrew word for “Blessed or Happy.”

Matthew 5:5 Blessed {“Blessed” (אשרי) ash'rey} are the meek, for they shall inherit {“Shall inherit” (ירשו) yarash} the earth.
Matthew 5:8 Blessed {“Blessed” (אשרי) ash'rey} are the pure in heart, for they shall see {“Shall see” (יראו) raah} God.
Matthew 5:9 Blessed {“Blessed” (אשרי) ash'rey} are the peacemakers, for they shall be called {“Shall be called” (יקראו) kara} sons of God.

Note: Most scholars believe that Jesus spoke a Semitic language either Aramaic or Hebrew or both.

Based on the book, “The Passion: The Poetry of God”

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