Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Matthew 6:7-8 What did Jesus Really say about Praying?

In Matthew 6:7-8 Jesus says not to use empty repetitions when you pray. To illustrate His point, Jesus creates two sets of tongue twisting Hebrew puns that create repetitious sounds. The first pun set utilizes repetitions of the “r” and “b,v” sounds. The second pun set utilizes repetitions of the “s,” “h,” and “m” sounds. The second pun set has similarities to the English tongue twister “Sally sold seashells by the seashore.” Tongue twisting repetitious sounds are inappropriate to use when praying to God if for no other reason it is too easy to get tongue tied in the middle of your prayer.

“Multiply Words” (דברים תרבו) tareva debarim
“Multitude of Words” (דברים שברוב) saberev debarim

“Heretics who Think” (חושבים שהמינים) sahamiynim chashavim
“Father in Heaven” (שבשמים שאביכם) sava’cum sabashamayim

Matthew 6:7 And when you pray, do not use empty repetitions {“Multiply Words” (דברים תרבו) tareva debarim} as the Gentiles do. For they think {“Heretics who Think” (חושבים שהמינים) sahamiynim chashavim} that they will be heard for their many words {“Multitude of Words” (דברים שברוב) saberev debarim)}. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father {“Father in Heaven” (שבשמים שאביכם) sava’cum sabashamayim} knows what you need before you ask him.

Note: Most scholars believe that Jesus spoke a Semitic language either Aramaic or Hebrew or both.

Based on the book, “The Passion: The Poetry of God”

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