Baptism corresponds to Noah's flood - 1Peter 3.20-21. The
correspondence between Baptism and Noah’s flood includes a correspondence
between Jesus / Noah’s ark and John the Baptist / Noah as outlined below:
The ark was anointed and Jesus is the anointed one (Christ
and Messiah mean anointed) - Genesis 6.14 / Matthew 3.16
The dove landed and went into the ark/The Holy Spirit
descended like a dove and alighted on Jesus - Genesis 8.9 / Matthew 3.16
Both Jesus and the ark had a hole in the ribbed area of
their bodies - Genesis 6.16 / John 19.34
God closed the hole in the side of the ark and Jesus -
Genesis 7.16 / John 20.20
Both Jesus and the ark rose up from the earth - Genesis
7.12, 17 / Matthew 28.6
After they arose from the earth, both Jesus and the ark went
about the earth for 40 days and ended their earthly journey on a mountain where
there are olive trees - Genesis 7.17,8.4,8.11 / Acts 1.3,1.12
Jesus and the ark rising from the earth resulted in new
covenants between God and humanity - Genesis 9.11-12 / Luke 22.20
The same single dietary restriction is requested after Jesus
and the ark arose from the earth – Genesis 9.4 / Acts 15.20
Those in the body of the ark and those in the body of Christ
are saved - Genesis 7.23 / Romans 12.5
Noah and John the Baptist were heralds or messengers of righteousness
- Genesis 6.8 / 1Peter 3.20-21
Noah and John the Baptist both preached to an evil
generation - Genesis 6.05, 11-12 / Matthew 12.39
God sent the clean and the unclean to both Noah and John the
Baptist - Genesis 7.8 / Luke 3.12
Noah and John the Baptist both warned people of the coming
destruction - Genesis 6.13 / Matthew 3.7
There was a 100 year interval between the time that Noah
(Genesis 5.32, 7.6) and John began their missions and when people were
overtaken by overwhelming destruction. Hadrian's visit to Jerusalem in AD 130
culminated in the death or removal of all Jews from Palestine. The Jewish
Christian lives were spared since they heeded the warning and had entered the
body of Christ. During the Bar Kochba revolt against the Romans, the Jewish
Christians refused to follow Bar Kochba since he was acclaimed as the Messiah
by his followers. The lives of the Jewish Christians were spared by the Romans
and they were neither killed nor sold into slavery. Their faith in Jesus as the
Messiah literally saved their lives. Hadrian rebuilt the temple on the temple
mount in Jerusalem. The rebuilt temple was completed in AD 135. The temple was
dedicated to the worship of Jupiter and was the largest temple of Jupiter in
existence at that time. Hadrian also had a statue of himself sitting on a horse
placed at the temple as an object of worship. The statue of Hadrian may have
been positioned in the original location of the Holy of Holies. The term
“abomination of desolation” that appears in Daniel 9.27,11.31,12.11, Matthew
24.15, Mark 13.14 is believed by many scholars to refer to the Roman false god
Jupiter via an intentional distortion of the appellation for Jupiter of "Baal
Shamem" ("lord of heaven"). The Hebrew term “abomination” has an
idiomatic meaning of “idol” and the term “Baal” and “idol” are somewhat
synonymous. The Hebrew words for “heaven” and “desolate” have similar
spellings. Thus the “Baal” or “idol” (abomination) of heaven (desolation) is an
idol of Jupiter whose pagan title is lord (Baal) of heaven.
The heavens opened - Genesis 7.11 / Matthew 3.16
In the story of Noah and the gospels blood symbolizes life -
Genesis 9.4-6 / Luke 22.20
J. Clontz – Editor
of the Comprehensive New Testament
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