Thursday, May 12, 2022

Rejoice, for every friend of Jesus is your friend also!

 Jesus answered him, “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you [Nathaniel].”– John 1:48

Nathaniel asked Jesus how he knew him. Jesus’ reply indicates that he saw Nathaniel before they met. Like the case of Nathaniel, Jesus knows us all before we receive the call to meet him. Nathaniel received the call to meet Jesus through his friend Philip. Think about it. Nathaniel became one of the apostles, but he received his initial invitation to meet Jesus through a friend. Some people are waiting for a call directly from God. Even though God knows you, he may also know that you will listen to a mutual friend that is acting on his behalf.

Rejoice, for every friend of Jesus is your friend also!

Dr. J. Clontz

Biblical text is from “The Comprehensive New Testament.”

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