Friday, December 19, 2014

The Foreshadowing of the Virgin Birth – The Warning

In the foreshadowing of the virgin birth, Mary is foreshadowed by Rebekah. In today’s parallel – Mary and Rebekah’s visitors were warned not to return something when they returned home.

Matthew 02:12 And being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country by another way.

Genesis 24:06… See to it that you do not take my son back there.
Genesis 24:08… only you must not take my son back there."

J. Clontz – Editor of the Comprehensive New Testament

The accounts of Mary and Rebekah both start with an angel sent by God – Luke 1:26/Genesis 24:7,40
Mary and Rebekah were virgins who were betrothed to a man – Luke 1:27/Genesis 24:16,51
Mary and Rebekah were selected by God - Luke 1:30/Genesis 24:14,44
Mary and Rebekah consented to being selected by God Luke 1:38/Genesis 24:57-58
Mary and Rebekah went with haste and told their relatives what had happened Luke 1:36,39/Genesis 24:28
Mary and Rebekah were blessed by their relatives - Luke 1:42/Genesis 24:60
God provided information about the future of Mary and Rebekah’s unborn children and the nature of their pregnancies Matthew 1:20/Genesis 25:23
Mary and Rebekah’s lives were potentially threatened by their pregnancies – Matthew 1:18-19/Genesis 25:22
Mary and Rebekah stayed in a shelter where animals also stayed – Luke 02:07/Genesis 24:25
Mary and Rebekah were visited by “wise” men bringing gifts who had travelled through Mesopotamia – Matthew 02:01,11/Genesis 24:10
Mary and Rebekah were visited by men who were led to them by something heavenly that went before them - Matthew 02:09/Genesis 24:07
Mary and Rebekah were visited by men who worshipped the Lord at the house where they were staying - Matthew 02:11/Genesis 24:26

Mary and Rebekah were visited by men who were bearing gifts including gold - Matthew 02:11/Genesis 24:10,53

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